Advanced Drawing

Course Overview: In Advanced Drawing, students will be reviewing basic drawing skills and the elements and principles of design, while exploring deeper how they are used in art. Students will also explore, in-depth, several different types of media and artistic styles in order to define their personal aesthetic and design their own compositions. In each […]

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Art Appreciation

Course Overview: In this online Art Appreciation course, the major concepts of art history are covered, which encompass various periods and styles. Key concepts are: the Elements of Art and Principles of Design, which form the foundation of artistic expression and composition, Ancient Art explores the art of civilizations such as the Aegean, Greek, Etruscan, […]

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Intro to Business

This Intro to Business online course introduces students to the basic business concepts that will help them understand how a business survives in today’s economy and the role that consumers play in the same economy. Students will learn how to balance a checkbook, save for the future, and use credit wisely. Students will also learn […]

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Art History

Course Overview: In this art history course, students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the artistic process by exploring the decision-making and judgment involved in viewing and creating works of art. They will gain insights into the impact of emerging cultures on art and architecture, recognizing the lasting artistic contributions made by major civilizations throughout […]

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Basic Drawing

Course Overview: In this Basic Drawing online course, students will experiment with several different art materials and tools to see what each tool can do best. Students will explore ordinary things around them to become more observant of the structures and meanings of things which can be seen in the home and community. Their work […]

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History of Gaming and Esports

Course Overview: In this online History of Gaming and Esports course, students will learn about the technologies and design principles that have been the foundation of the development of video game technology over the last 50 years. Students will examine and discuss the impact of video games on culture and the economy. Students will learn […]

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Beginning Painting

Course Overview: This Beginning Painting online course introduces students to classical and contemporary painting, techniques and concepts, with emphasis on the understanding of its formal language and the fundamentals of artistic expression. Painting from still life, landscape, and life models from observation will be geared towards realism; at the same time, various other painting styles […]

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Middle School Health

Course Overview: This Middle School Online Health course will help the student understand the importance of making decisions that will affect his or her physical, emotional, mental and social health. This course will provide students with the knowledge and resources they will need to make responsible informed decisions about their health. Students will have an […]

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First Aid

Course Overview: In this First Aid online course, students learn and practice first aid procedures for a variety of common conditions, including muscular, skeletal, and soft tissue injuries. In addition, students learn how to appropriately respond to a variety of emergency situations. They also learn the procedures for choking and CPR for infants, children, and […]

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