Shining a Spotlight on: Mikah “Eddie” Ramos & Her Military Family

May 24, 2024

Meet Eddie and learn how she’s found academic success at Holston Academy despite the unpredictability of being part of a military family.

Being a military family certainly comes with its challenges. Deployments, fear for the safety of loved ones, constant relocations…the list goes on and on. Hanna and Michael Ramos are like most other military families in that sense. Especially when it comes to finding the right education for their daughter, Mikah, who likes to go by the name “Eddie”.

“Being a military family has so many educational challenges,” explained Hanna. “I am sure that us being a military family has left Eddie with some gaps in her education. It is amazing, though, when you meet and work with teachers who can identify those gaps and help to close them. That is what we have found in Holston Academy.”

Read on to learn more about Eddie and how she found academic success at Holston Academy despite the unpredictability of being part of a military family.

Constant moving takes a toll on education

When you’re part of a military family, you become well-versed in the art of moving. It’s just part of the territory. But that doesn’t make it any easier when you have a child who changes schools every few years. Or more often. The challenge becomes greater when you’re dealing with the laws and regulations of different states.

“State to state, there are inconsistencies with required minimums. And the places you are stationed aren’t always the best or the safest options for brick-and-mortar schools,” said Hanna, who is currently stationed in Fayetteville, NC, with her family.

This is why homeschooling has become a popular form of education for military families. Even homeschooling, however, poses its challenges depending on geography. “Some states make homeschooling very easy, while in others it is quite difficult,” she continued. “Not to mention, homeschooling support in those places can vary quite a lot, especially if you are looking for specifically secular education.”

“My teachers and Academic Coach told me that they would be there for me if I needed them. And they were.” – Mikah “Eddie” Ramos, Holston Academy student

Online school was the solution

When Eddie attended traditional public school, she grew accustomed to a few things only found in a brick-and-mortar school. “It felt easier to hide in the background, since it was not just me in the spotlight,” Eddie explained. “Having my peers around would help me remember when my work was due. Or, if we all forgot to do something, it wasn’t just me that felt bad.”

And while Eddie does miss the social interaction that comes with a traditional education, she is grateful for everything that an online education allows her to have and do. “With homeschooling and virtual school, I have learned the importance of having academic integrity just for myself no matter what situation I am in,” she said.

Plus, Eddie certainly values the extra time she has with online school. “My favorite part about doing online school is that my family and I can travel more,” she said. That’s something the family appreciates as well. “We travel often for sports and for pleasure, and it’s so nice for her to be able to work on the road so she can still enjoy her time wherever we are,” Hanna said.

As they searched for the right online school, Hanna and Michael had a few must-haves in mind. “We wanted Eddie to have support from teachers, especially as her classes increase in difficulty,” explained Hanna. “We wanted her to have caring people in place for her support. And we wanted her to have a structured environment, but one that was flexible enough for our needs.”

Holston Academy was the perfect fit.

Why Holston Academy fit

Oftentimes, when it comes to education, it’s the little things that matter most. Of course, quality of education is a top priority. But not far below is the support (both personal and educational) the school offers, the effectiveness of the teachers, and the flexibility it provides, among other factors. Hanna is confident that Holston Academy was the right choice for Eddie and family.

“Holston has given us so much this year,” said Hanna. “They have allowed our family to breathe during difficult times, such as deployments. That gives us the flexibility to celebrate homecoming on our timeline. The flexibility and support we have received has been absolutely invaluable.

“And Eddie is thriving at Holston,” Hanna continued. “She loves her teachers, she loves the attention she gets, and she likes her classes and assignments. Personally, it has been great for her.”

Eddie backs up her mom’s opinion. “My teachers and Academic Coach told me that they would be there for me if I needed them,” Eddie said. “And they were.”

Plus, her education with Holston Academy allows Eddie to pursue her passions. “I love art, customizing shoes, playing roller derby with my travel team, competitive swimming, animals, music, singing, felting, and cosplaying,” she said. “Going to Holston Academy is great because it gives me more time to enjoy my hobbies.”

Eddie is also a State Representative for Be Strong, an organization whose goal is to help students by using peer education to stop bullying and cyberbullying. And she’s incredibly proud of her role in standing up to bullying. “Be Strong is an organization that stands against bullying, and it is a safe space for kids who get bullied,” Eddie explained. “Kids like me learn how to listen and understand what someone might be going through. I attend online Zoom meetings at least once a month and we learn and discuss different tools to make us better listeners and communicators, so that we can help others and ourselves.”

“Holston has given us so much this year. They have allowed our family to breathe during difficult times, such as deployments. That gives us the flexibility to celebrate homecoming on our timeline. The flexibility and support we have received has been absolutely invaluable.” – Hanna Ramos

Eddie’s Typical School Day

One of the benefits of online school is that, for many families, there is no “typical” school day. But, as Eddie explains, her average day might include a 7:00 am wake-up. Then comes an hourlong swim, skate, or workout to get her up and moving. Next is breakfast and chores, followed by her first classes at around 10:00 am. Between each class, she works in a 10-minute stretch to break things up a bit. Finally, she wraps up between 3:00 and 5:00 pm, depending on the assignments she has. And then it’s free time!

Since she was little, Eddie always wanted to be a veterinarian. That’s why science is her favorite school subject. Her next-favorite subject is art, “because I feel that I can put all of my emotions in a picture, portrait, drawing, painting, or any other medium,” Eddie said. “Art is my version of therapy because it calms me and helps me vent when I have things on my mind.”

And while becoming a vet is still one of her top choices, Eddie has also expanded her list of dream jobs to include anesthesiologist, mycologist, animal trainer, and plastic surgeon.

Eddie spends much of her school day taking classes and studying in her room. She loves to do most schoolwork on her bed “because my three cats like to hang out with me while I am there,” she said.

Appreciation for being in a military family

Some kids might resent the frequent moving and switching schools. Eddie, however, embraces the challenges–and rewards–that come with being in a military family. For one, she gets to live in and see many different places. Not many kids can make the same claim. Her favorite home so far? “Colorado. The weather is lovely, the views are amazing, and everyone is pretty nice.”

But Eddie has also learned some important life lessons that transcend her age and that many kids would refuse to embrace. “Being a military child taught me how to be able to say goodbye, and that not all goodbyes are forever,” she wisely stated. “Plus, I would not have met half the people I know and seen any of the things I have seen had I not been in a military family.” 

Having such a mature perspective has certainly helped Eddie adjust to the military family lifestyle and thrive in school. For other parents in military families, Hanna has some advice when it comes to switching schools. “There is such a huge difference between an online academy, virtual school, and traditional school,” she explained. “I would encourage parents to talk with the schools and see what kind of social and educational support they offer. You have to make your choice based on what is best for your child. There is no one-size-fits-all answer.”

Holston Academy is here to support students and parents whether they’re in the military or are simply looking for a better education. Led by a team of educators who put students at the center of their academic journey, each student benefits from our personalized approach to online learning. See for yourself how Holston Academy can be the right fit for your student. Visit or call (833) 782-6922 to learn more.

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