AP® Seminar (English 10 or Elective)
Course Overview: AP® Seminar is a year-long foundational online course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing multiple perspectives. Using an inquiry framework, students practice reading and analyzing articles, research studies, and foundational and literary texts. Students learn to synthesize information from multiple sources, develop their own lines of reasoning in research-based written essays, and design and deliver oral and visual presentations, both individually and as part of a team. Ultimately, the course aims to equip students with the power to analyze and evaluate information with accuracy and precision in order to craft and communicate evidence-based arguments. Due to the unique, student driven nature of the course, AP® Seminar can be taken as a core English credit in grade 10 or taken as an elective credit in grades 10, 11, and 12.
The level of rigor in these AP® Electives courses is equivalent to that required of students in a freshman or sophomore college course in this area of study. These courses have been audited and approved by the College Board and prepare students for the College Board Advanced Placement® examination.
*Students in AP® Seminar are expected to attend synchronous sessions 2x/week and follow the pacing schedule set forth in the Learning Management System.
Course Framework: The AP® Seminar course is organized around five big ideas that form the QUEST framework; students will use this framework as they explore issues and topics throughout the course. In-class activities and homework assignments will focus on developing skills and meeting the end of course objectives that are tied to each of the following elements of the QUEST framework below:
Q- Question and Explore
U- Understand and Analyze
E- Evaluate Multiple Perspectives
S- Synthesize Ideas
T- Team, Transform, and Transmit