American Sign Language (ASL) 6
Course Overview:
In the American Sign Language 6 online course, students will be able to build on the technical skills learned in previous courses, advance their usage of ASL when communicating with Deaf people, incorporate more vocabulary and grammar, understand the deaf culture and deaf community, and be exposed to the works of Deaf/ASL literature. The main grammar focus of the course will be to know the differences in ASL parameters, ASL functions, ASL literature, ASL structure, and to learn Deaf history, Deaf education, and Deaf technology.
The central themes of the course are to discuss Deaf history, the Dark Ages, the Golden Age, BANs, DPN, Deaf education (Oral and ASL schools), improvements in technology, Deaf culture in ASL, and the functions of ASL literature including stories, poetry, jokes, ABC stories, number stories, classifier stories, children’s books, and ASL songs, among others. The student learning outcomes of this level are to be able to present a Deaf historical event and demonstrate skills in ASL literature and performance art such as preparing and performing their own number, alphabet, or classifier story; an ASL song; and a children’s story.