Dual Enrollment Opportunities
In partnership with Arizona State University (ASU), we offer college courses through dual enrollment for students who want to accelerate their education.
How it Works
Through ASU Universal Learner Courses, students can explore an early college experience and take foundational courses by enrolling in freshman-level classes. Learners have access to rigorous, engaging college curriculum designed by ASU faculty and are given the opportunity to get a jump start on their degree and career pathway.
Benefits for Learners

College-level Courses
These courses are rigorous courses taught by ASU faculty. Credit received is identical to credit received in an on-campus class.

No Risk
If a student receives a “C or better” they are eligible to convert to college credit. If they choose not to convert, the course does not appear on their college transcript.

Additional Support
Students are assigned to a Holston Academy teacher in addition to the ASU faculty to support them with their coursework.

Many courses can be extended to meet high schoolers’ scheduling needs.
Session Based Courses
Session-based courses are instructor-paced, 8 and 15 week sessions that have weekly assignments as well as an instructor guiding them through the curriculum and content. These courses are great for students who prefer a structured timeline with established due dates, enjoy interaction with other students, and may benefit from more guidance and structure.
Self-Paced Courses
Self-paced courses can be taken “on demand” and allow students to complete their course assignments at their own pace. Most self-paced courses allow one full year to complete the course. These courses are great for students who want to start at anytime during the year, who are self-directed and can set and stick to a plan for completing the course, and students who want to go faster or slower than the instructor-paced version.