Honors Mandarin 6
Course Overview:
In the Honors Mandarin 6 online course, students aim to develop their critical thinking, learn how to offer different viewpoints on a variety of topics and arguments to back up their positions, and analyze and write about complex text. Students will use complex texts, videos, songs, articles, plays, movies, podcasts, TV shows, and other authentic materials as they continue to acquire knowledge of Mandarin and the Spanish-speaking world while developing their communicative skills throughout the course. The central themes of the course are social phenomena, development of international relations, political situations and changes, and economic development, among others.
The main grammatical focus will depend on the needs of the student. Grammar topics may include but are not limited to the use of function words, modal verbs, separable verbs, result complements, and conjunctions to increase fluency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to discuss a documentary, give their opinion on societal reforms, make hypotheses on the future about various topics, understand the implications in a document, talk about artificial Intelligence, and learn how to form an argument, among others.
Honors credit is granted through completion of additional coursework.